
(picture from environmentalleader)

隨著環安衛議題越來越受到重視,本文由Triumvirate Environmental 顧問公司透過近200位環安衛人員們所調查的報告,分析了ESH行業的一些走向與預測,並總結了四大趨勢,讓我們透過此文了解國際間2016年環安衛的趨勢吧!!

作者: Jessica Lyons Hardcastle

Most environmental, health and safety professionals feel their department is understaffed and say it won’t be growing in 2016, according to Triumvirate Environmental’s first annual State of EH&S report.
根據 Triumvirate Environmental 顧問公司在一份 EHS現況報告中發現,大部份公司的環安人員都覺得自己部門資源不夠,也都表示這樣的情況在2016年似乎不會改善。

The report analyses the direction of the EHS industry and forecasts trends for 2016 and beyond.  Four trends from the survey of about 200 EHS professionals include:
這份報告分析了2016 EHS行業的一些走向和預測,總共訪問了將近 200EHS人員,並總結了四個趨勢:

1.Safety Is Number One.
Safety was the most important trend and biggest challenge of 2016 across industries and experience levels. One respondent said the most important concern is, “maintaining EHS visibility and the critical importance of safety and environmental compliance to the senior/executive Leadership. EHS and its functions are taking a backseat to many other programs, and is becoming dispersed and diluted.”

2.Understaffing is Rampant.
二、More than 72 percent of EHS professionals feel their department is currently understaffed and 79 percent of EHS departments won’t be growing in 2016. Of all industries, educational institutions had the highest percentage of respondents who felt their EHS department was understaffed at 82 percent.
大約72%的受訪者提到他們的部門人力缺乏。約79% EHS部門在2016年也不會增加人力。在所有的受訪行業內,教育機構有約82%的受訪者認為他們的環安部們極度缺乏人力。

3.Regulatory Updates Are A Focus.
Regulatory compliance was a close second to safety for most industries when asked about trends and challenges (aside from life sciences that put sustainability in the second spot). The majority of respondents cited constantly changing regulations and increasing fines as the reason.
在過去幾年,法規合規對大部份的企業在 EHS管理是排在第二位的, 不及安全管理來得重要或得到重視。(也有一些生技公司把公司永續性發展列為第二位) 但是這一次的受訪當中,絕大部份的人表示,公司對這一塊越來越重視,是因為政府罰款加重。


4.Sustainability Isn't Quite There Yet.
Sustainability ranked least important out of seven possible initiatives for 2016 (including safety, regulatory compliance, training, waste management and disposal, cost savings and plan improvement).
在2016年可持續發展排名裡的管理重點中 (安全性,法規合規性,培訓,廢棄物管理與處置, 節約成本,改進計畫) 永續性發展是排在最後一位的

Warren Sukernek, director of marketing at Triumvirate Environmental, says the report shows a lack of staffing and resources limit EHS professionals ability to implement sustainability programs that can improve operational efficiency.
Triumvirate Environmental的行銷部門主任 Warren Sukernek提到這份報告明顯總結出人力不足是 EHS人員在管理和項目規劃上的一大限制。這也大大影響執行的效率。

“If organizations were allocating more funding, I think we’d see a greater focus on sustainability and using technology to streamline existing processes,” he says.
他提到,如果企業能夠提供 EHS部門更多經費,他們可以去替換更有效率,更環保的技術,並且優化現有的管理流程等。

“Simply focusing on regulatory requirements to avoid fines and preserve job security is not enough to drive future success and innovation in our industry.”
如果只是把精力放在如何不被罰款以確保大家的工作保障, 這樣是不足夠確保日後的管理功效或是激發大家用更創新的管理方式。

Sasha Laferte, Triumvirate’s research lead for the report, says the findings should be a “call to action” because it shows stagnant budgets are preventing EHS employees from focusing on new initiatives that will advance sustainability, innovation and growth.
Triumvirate顧問公司這項報告的負責人 Sarah Lagerte 表示這些數據應該要讓大家更警惕,也顯示了經費與人力的不足是 EHS人員無法專心和有效率執行的重要原因。妨礙了公司EHS部門發展創新和永續性的管理。

@本篇文章內容僅供參考,轉載文章來於:environmentalleader  @

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