原文刊載於:Safety and Health Magazine (Colin Duncan 2015/09/27)
編輯提要: 實現及維持一個無意外傷害的職場環境需要強大的領導力。在這個月的專欄中,來自國際顧問公司DEKRA Insight的專家們分享了他們對於公司中的領導者必須知道將他們的機構引導向安全卓越的觀點。
2014年的一個工業論壇,美國奇異公司董事長暨執行長Jeff Immelt,總結了目前商業狀態: 「如果昨晚你是以一間工業公司入睡,那今日醒來時你就會是間軟體及分析公司。」
監控敏感設備及人員的感應器並非創新,新的是我們能即時去連結那些資料來源及創造新資訊串流的能力,通常指的是"物聯網"、"物品間的交流" 引出了潛在一系列性能領域中包括安全方面的新見解和行動。這樣的轉變也引出了新的風險,領導者們必須下定決心如何負責任且有效地使用這些新資訊。
在類比世界中,安全被簡單地劃分為容易含有的項目: 個人安全及製程安全、員工及消費者、工作及家庭。這些連結科技的入侵已經開始模糊界線且開拓了一種無縫(或至少更加流暢的)的安全思想及策略的可能性。領導者們的挑戰將會是定義哪些安全可以及應該是什麼,以及如何達成這些安全的方式。
對於領導者們的好消息是科技的利用,不論是何種形式都還是需要從底層面開始。能夠''瞭解''安全性的領導者是最能夠運用這樣的價值在逐漸網絡化世界的複雜性及可能性中航行 。
Safety Leadership: Technology is changing safety: 4 areas to watch
Editor’s Note: Achieving and sustaining an injury-free workplace demands strong leadership. In this monthly column, experts from global consulting firm DEKRA Insight share their point of view on what leaders need to know to guide their organizations to safety excellence.
At an industrial conference in 2014, GE Chairman and CEO Jeff Immelt summed up the current state of business this way: “If you went to bed last night as an industrial company, you’re going to wake up today as a software and analytics company.”
While most of us are not literally going into the software business, Immelt’s point is well taken. The consensus among industry leaders and analysts today is that networked technology – from personal wearable devices and mobile phones to equipment sensors and “smart” machines – is rapidly changing the nature of our organizations and how we run them.
Sensors that monitor sensitive equipment and people are not new. What is new is our ability to connect those data sources and create completely new streams of information in real time. Often referred to as the “Internet of Things,” the ability of “things to talk to things” introduces the potential for new insight and action across a range of performance areas, including safety. This shift also introduces new risks, as leaders must determine how to responsibly and effectively use this new information.
Here are four areas to watch in the Internet of Things era:
- How we manage occupational illness – The cumulative nature of occupational illness exposures have traditionally been much harder for organizations to detect and mitigate than those for workplace injuries. The person who gets sick from a work-related illness may not even be aware that he or she has received doses of harmful exposure in the workplace. Wearable biometric sensors and tracking capabilities are changing that. Organizations will have the ability – and some would say responsibility – to monitor exposures to hearing loss, poisoning, respiratory illness, skin disorders and other illnesses in real time. Leaders will need to learn how and what data to track – and then what to do about it.
- How we recruit and develop talent – The introduction of networked technology means that those who lead safety must be comfortable straddling the line between operational technology and information technology, and advocate safety goals in the design and application of systems and processes across the organization. Leaders must be selected and developed for data management fluency. Their ability to successfully deliver safety outcomes will depend on the ability to correctly read and respond to data.
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本篇文章內容僅供參考,轉載文章及圖片來源:Safety and Health Magazine
【國際譯文】 如何利用EHS管理軟體創造卓越守規績效?
本篇文章內容僅供參考,轉載文章及圖片來源:Safety and Health Magazine
【國際譯文】 如何利用EHS管理軟體創造卓越守規績效?
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