Safety 2014:您的組織內運行的是傳統的安全管理模式嗎 ? Safety 2014: Is the Traditional Safety Management Model Working in Your Organization? 【國際環安衛好文分享】 讓我們一同關心國際間環安衛的發
Safety 2014:您的組織內運行的是傳統的安全管理模式嗎 ?
Safety 2014: Is the Traditional Safety Management Model Working in Your Organization?
身為作者以及顧問身份的 Terry Mathis給環安衛領域的專家們一個挑戰,他要他們去思考在傳統模式下的安全管理是否能產生他們在組織中所希望得到的結果。
Author and consultant Terry Mathis challenged EHS professionals to think about whether the traditional model of safety management is producing the results they’re seeking in their organizations.
資訊來源:EHS 作者 :Josh Cable 日期:2014.06.11 翻譯:威煦軟體 身為作者以及顧問身份的Terry Mathis給EHS專業人士一個挑戰,他要他們去思考在傳統模式下的安全管理是否能產生他們在組織中所希望得到的結果。 Author and consultant Terry Mathis challenged EHS professionals to think about whether the traditional model of safety management is producing the results they’re seeking in their organizations.
Author and consultant Terry Mathis opened his breakout session at ASSE's 2014 Professional Development Conference and Expo in Orlando, Fla., by declaring: “All progress begins with thinking differently.” Then he challenged EHS professionals to think about whether the traditional model of safety management is producing the results they’re seeking in their organizations.
Globalization has brought economic growth and new prosperity to many regions of the world, yet at the same time has also brought challenges, concerns, and threats to workplace health and safety.
Globalization has brought economic growth and new prosperity to many regions of the world, yet at the same time has also brought challenges, concerns, and threats to workplace health and safety.