圖片來源:EHS Today
「我們的全球調查發現,在2018年,21%的環安衛領導者將增加兩位數的支出、26%將增加個位數的支出,及48%將會照舊與2017年相同的支出預算。」Verdantix的分析師Isabel Velasco評論。「總言之,對於環安衛的技術、顧問及訓練的業者是一件好消息。針對這樣積極的經濟背景下,將有一半的企業世界正在計畫增加環安衛投資的計畫。」
「2017全球環安衛領導者調查: 預算、優先事項及技術偏好」這份報告的重要發現如下:
- 42%的環安衛主管將會增加在技術上的支出,但只有29%願意增加在環安衛諮詢上的投資。
- 35%的作答者將優先在勞工安全上的支出,其中20%有意圖增加在溫室氣體上的投資。
- 安全及事故管理名列在環安衛軟體支出計畫的首選,報告和分析結果名列第三。
- 環安衛諮詢的成長將著重在改善營運的表現、環安衛軟體的專案及環安衛稽核上。企業併購諮詢及永續經營則是名列最後。
- 只有35%的環安衛主管會稱自己為技術領導者。
- 77%的作答者認為軟體業者應該要在自己的國家營運軟體。
- 稽核及事件管理的智慧型個人防護具及行動應用程式是2018年感興趣的新興科技首選。
- 78%的環安衛主管認為私有雲是可以接受部屬的環安衛軟體選擇。
「我們的年度全球調查提供382位環安衛主管在預算、優先事項及技術偏好上細微且具權威的數據」Verdantix的執行長David Metcalfe評論道。「2018的優先事項對於軟體業者、行動裝置開發者及創新的個人防護具供應商是相當看好的。相較之下顧問諮詢就是個比較複雜的情況了。預期環安衛的5.4%實際預算增長,指出2018年對於全球環安衛的績效改善又是一個有前景的年度。」
How Are EHS Managers Spending Their Budgets?
A study from Verdantix found that worldwide, EHS budgets will increase by more than 5 percent in 2018 and reveals new trends in technology preferences.
Sandy Smith | Nov 08, 2017
A global survey of 382 environment, health and safety directors has uncovered that EHS budgets will increase by an average of 5.4 percent in 2018. The survey was conducted by independent research firm Verdantix in 31 countries and 25 industries worldwide.
A global survey of 382 environment, health and safety directors has uncovered that EHS budgets will increase by an average of 5.4 percent in 2018. The survey was conducted by independent research firm Verdantix in 31 countries and 25 industries worldwide.
“Our global survey finds that in 2018, 21 percent of EHS leaders will increase spend in double digits, 26 percent in single digits and 48 percent will spend the same budget as in 2017,” commented Verdantix analyst Isabel Velasco. “Overall, this is good news for EHS technology, consulting and training vendors. Against a positive economic backdrop, almost half of the corporate world is planning to increase investment in their safety, health and environment initiatives.”
Key findings of the report, “Global EHS Leaders Survey 2017: Budgets, Priorities & Tech Preferences,” include:
- 42 percent of EHS directors will increase spend on technology but only 29 percent will ramp up investment on EHS consulting.
- 35 percent of respondents will prioritize spending on worker safety while 20 percent intend to increase investment in GHG emissions.
- Safety and incident management top the list of EHS software spending plans with reporting and analytics a close third.
- EHS consulting growth will be focused on improving operational performance, EHS software projects and EHS audits. M&A advisory and sustainability are at the bottom of the list.
- Only 35 percent of EHS directors self-describe themselves as technology leaders.
- 77 percent of respondents think software vendors should host software in their country of operation.
- Smart PPE and mobile apps for audit and incident management top the list of emerging technologies of interest in 2018.
- 78 percent of EHS directors view private cloud as an acceptable deployment option for EHS software.
“Our annual global survey provides granular, authoritative data on the budgets, priorities and tech preferences of 382 EHS managers” commented Verdantix CEO David Metcalfe.“Priorities for 2018 are very positive for software vendors, mobile apps developers and innovative personal protective equipment suppliers. By contrast, it’s a more mixed picture for consultants. Anticipated real budget growth of 5.4 percent indicates another positive year for improvements in EHS performance worldwide.”
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【國際譯文】 如何利用EHS管理軟體創造卓越守規績效?
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