原文刊載於:Dakota Soft(Robert Kimball)
圖片來源:Dakota Soft
1. 提升合規保證
2. 提升對各項進度的掌握
3. 提升公司內的合作與溝通
4. 確定風險的優先級別與分配資源
3. 提升公司內的合作與溝通
4. 確定風險的優先級別與分配資源
5. 標準化地收集數據,用以簡化分析和報告
5 Reasons you should use EHS Software
Earlier this year, I attended the NAEM’s EHS & Sustainability
Data Management Conference. If you’re not familiar, this event connects those
in the market for EHS&S software with the top vendors and includes
user-driven presentations of the various software solutions. For EHS&S
software companies like Dakota Software, this event is a great opportunity to
meet with prospective clients. To be completely candid though, it is also a
great opportunity to see what our competitors are up to.
As such, I was surprised when, during a competitor-sponsored
session, the speaker opened with the statement “You don’t need software,”
citing instead the importance of well-defined processes, company culture,
communications, and training. While these topics are certainly important, the
declaration that you don't need software, coming from an EHS software provider,
obviously got the attention of the room. Was it altruistic? Possibly.
Disingenuous? Probably. Accurate? Well… technically.
Technically, your car doesn’t need anti-lock brakes. Technically, your house
doesn’t need a
programmable thermostat. Technically, you don’t need a Facebook account to
stay in touch with friends and family.
Much like these examples from our personal lives, organizations
use technology to mitigate risk, increase efficiency, and foster collaboration.
From ERP to SCM, from CRM to SRM, commercial software products are now an
integral part of our business processes. To suggest that the high-risk world of
Environmental, Health, and Safety not leverage technology is like asking a
Millennial to call a cab (First, they’ll ask “Don’t you mean an Uber?” Then
they’ll ask “Are cabs still a thing?”).
If you have an EHS department it’s likely your organization has
risk factors that justify an investment in EHS software. So, while you
technically don’t need software,
here are five reasons you should have
Software can improve compliance assurance – Regulatory compliance is the primary indicator of EHS performance and staying up-to-date with regulatory changes is essential for planning and verification. Software tools can help save time on regulatory tracking, provide guidance to decision makers, and identify gaps in compliance programs.
Software can improve compliance assurance – Regulatory compliance is the primary indicator of EHS performance and staying up-to-date with regulatory changes is essential for planning and verification. Software tools can help save time on regulatory tracking, provide guidance to decision makers, and identify gaps in compliance programs.
Software can improve accountability and visibility – An up-to-date compliance plan creates a good foundation, but management needs to ensure that corrective and preventative actions are being completed on time. Software tools can prompt action in the field and provide management with visibility into overall compliance status and other EHS-related KPIs.
Software can improve collaboration and communication – From Incident Management to Management of Change, an EHS database can improve visibility at the site level and help share information across the entire organization. As Baby Boomers enter retirement, a central repository for ‘institutional EHS knowledge’ is more important than ever.
Software can help prioritize risk and allocate resources – EHS departments are constantly asked to do more with less. A thorough understanding of compliance obligations and operational risk factors is essential for making the most of strained resources. Once identified, proactively addressing risks can reduce violations, fines, and the likelihood of incidents and accidents.
Software standardizes data collection for simplified analysis and reporting – EHS reporting is time consuming. Anyone who has used spreadsheets to collect and analyze data knows the pains of cobbling together reports, especially if facilities are in multiple locations and countries. Software can normalize data for ‘apples to apples’ comparisons and streamline reporting of everything from local permits to corporate sustainability reports.
Many organizations have come to the realization that EHS software is a necessity. If you’ve recently had this epiphany, or if you’re just curious about what goes into an EHS software implementation, the NAEM has just released ‘Strategies for a Successful EHS&S Software Selection.’ This report defines the business drivers, provides tips on the selection processes, and shares insights from EHS business leaders on their experiences. As a sponsor of the report, Dakota Software is pleased to provide this complimentary copy.
本篇文章內容僅供參考,文章及圖片來源:Dakota Soft
延伸閱讀→【國際譯文】 如何利用EHS管理軟體創造卓越守規績效?
本篇文章內容僅供參考,文章及圖片來源:Dakota Soft
延伸閱讀→【國際譯文】 如何利用EHS管理軟體創造卓越守規績效?
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威煦軟體開發有限公司 |E-MAIL: INFO@WISHINGSOFT.COM | TEL: 070-1018-0999
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